Monday, November 18, 2013

Witt's 10 month and Daddy's SOLO

Witten is actually 10-and-a-half months, but at least I'm getting this posted before he's 11 months. :)

Yes, Witten's pants won't button. He's wearing a cloth diaper and after I got them pulled up and attempted to button them [without success], I didn't want to mess with finding a different pair that fit and switching them out. #lazymom  #nobodycares...right?

In Keith's flight room listening to him over the radio. Roger that. #sexyradiovoice

At the flight line waiting for Daddy to arrive and greet him with congratulatory hugs! In the background are T38's. They are the trainers for pilots who are going to fly fighters or bombers. Keith will, instead, train on the T1 since he'll be flying a "heavy" - KC135.
Future pilot? Love his sweet facial expressions. :)

Some of Keith's fellow student pilots waiting for him to arrive so they can throw him into the murky, cold Solo Tank. These guys (and a couple gals) are SO great and nice! I'm very thankful that Keith is in such a great class.

 Hey there, hot pilot! Nice G-suit!
In case you're wondering about the G-suit... The hose on his left leg hooks into the plane to inflate air sacs when pulling G's - pretty sweet. His shoulder harness hooks into the ejection seat. #ineedahaircut

Unfortunately it was a bit windy (I'm not leaning away from my husband, just trying to get hair out of my face) and Witten was not interested in the camera, but we put in a solid effort before they stole him from me.

Apparently, it's tradition to intercept the pilot when he returns from his initial flight and throw him into The Tank. At least they let him empty his pockets, take off his patches and take off his boots first. (Don't worry, I was a good wife and brought him a towel and extra onesie - aka flightsuit)
Thar she blows.
1... 2... 3..


Coming up from the water I wondered if he would squeal like a little girl. He refrained, but only because a lot of his peers were watching and would have judged him. I know the noise that was going on in his head.

I like his fake arm-around-me in this next picture! ha
He knew he'd be in trouble if he touched me after coming out of that cold, murky water!

I am SO SO SO PROUD of Keith! He has been and is continuing to work very hard. I am grateful that Witten and I were able to share in his solo experience! (By the way, Witten was awesome while we were listening to Daddy on the radio in the flight room for 45ish minutes. And I'm thankful for Kaitlyn for helping with him and capturing these moments for us!) We are enjoying our time here and the relationships we've made with the wonderful people here. We continue to meet amazing friends every week. God is good!
Prayer request - Keith has 2 flights and a test tomorrow. (Big day today and big day tomorrow... actually every day is full and important!)
Have a great week, everyone!
P.S. We may have a walker soon. All Witt wants to do lately is stroll around the house with his learning walker. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Witten's First Halloween

As my previous post said, our Halloween festivities were delayed because of rain on Thursday. Saturday was a beautiful day and perfect for trick-or-treating! Before it got too dark out, we took some pictures of our little frog and our carved pumpkins.


Can you guess which one is mine and which one is Keith's? We're both reppin' KC here in the south. ;)

We had friends over, ate some yummy food (salad, chili and cornbread) and handed out LOTS of candy to some adorably- and scarily-dressed kiddos. Instead of taking Witten trick-or-treating, he hung out with us on the front porch as we intimidated kids with our large crowd of loud-laughing adults on the front porch.

Another reason Saturday was special is because it was my mom's birthday!! We were able to Skype with Mimi (and the rest of the family that was there - Dad, Kyle, Tara and Jase) which I'm thankful for. Here's a great picture of Mom and Jase. I'm glad she got to spend time with her other precious grandson on her birthday!

The countdown is on! Mom and Dad are coming for Thanksgiving (and bringing Witten and me home with them) in 20 days. :) I will definitely miss my husband, but I'm looking forward to catching up and spending time with family and friends!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Trick-or-Treat Rain Delay

Is it seriously November?!?!?!

I have loved looking at pictures of everyone else in their costumes. Unlike the rest of the nation, we did not trick-or-treat on Halloween. It rained here on and off all day yesterday, so the Air Force Base moved the festivities to Saturday night instead... which I'm okay with because Daddy will be able to join us! :)

However, I just couldn't help but put Witten in his little (rather, BIG) frog costume! Plus, the family was begging me for pictures. ;) Here's a little teaser of our happy frog practicing for tomorrow...

Ribbit Ribbit!
Daddy didn't have to go in until 10-ish this morning so Froggy was helping him study!

More pictures to come after tomorrow night!