Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy 2014... but first, Thanksgiving and Springfield 2013 :)

Before getting into the new year, I need to play catch-up with the end of 2013. I didn't end the year too well on this blog! That's to be expected though since Witt and I were out of town and out of our normal routine. :)

My parents came here for Thanksgiving, then Witten and I rode back home with them (after first making a couple-day-stop in Springfield to see Kyle, Tara and Jase... and Grandma and Grandpa)! Mom and Dad had fun, as always, playing with Witt. They even babysat so Keith and I could go on a date. We went out for sushi then to see Catching Fire.
 The babysitters with their baby.

Dad, Keith and I were all cutting up stuff for mushroom salad while watching the Macy's 
Thanksgiving Day Parade. I especially liked Dad's cutting space set-up!

Finally ready to eat... YUMMY!!! (We had TONS of leftovers, 
which we left with Keith to eat after we left him for 3 weeks.)

Witten started standing on his own more and more, 
and for longer periods of time.

My brother's sweet family on Thanksgiving Day in Springfield 
with Tara's family. Jase is reppin' cousin Witten!

We got to Springfield Friday night. The boys got to spend 
some quality time together the next couple of days!

 Us mommas and our boys at Crackerbarrel after church!

G and Mimi and their favorite grandsons.

Happy 1st to my first!


It seriously cannot already be a year since this sweet boy entered our lives. TIME FLIES!! We are so grateful for him and all the joy he has brought into our lives.

 First pic is me at 11am (an hour before my water broke) on Jan 5, 2013. Second pic is my sweet little conehead at 9:30am on Jan 6, 2013.

Witten on Jan 6, 2013 and 2014!

I'll post soon about his birthday party and our Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays with family. Yes, I'm way behind!