On behalf of the Cowboys win today (and the fact that we got to watch it - YAY!)...
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
We are the Houses and we live our lives for Jesus Christ! We desire to know Him more and to make Him known to the world around us!
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Our Temporary Home
I finally got around to taking pictures of our duplex. My phone doesn't take great pictures, but at least you'll get an idea of what our place looks like. We didn't bring a lot of décor because we didn't know what the space would be like and we'll only be here for a year. Along with a lack of décor, we are lacking furniture for the space we have - we thought what we brought would be plenty to fill our home, but we are having to make do with temporary furniture pieces until my parents come in October and can bring a few more things. :)
We are very thankful for our living arrangements! God, as always, provided the perfect place for us. We live in a great neighborhood on base and look forward to cooler weather so we can spend more time outside and meet more of our neighbors.
I'll take more pictures of our neighborhood and the base soon! I know how curious some of you are to what the base life is like. I was too before coming here. In the meantime, here's a picture Keith texted me yesterday while they were touring the different airplanes they will be training in. This is a T6, which is the first of 2 airplanes Keith will learn to fly while we're here in Columbus.
Aside from our house - I just got back from my 2nd week of Bible Study at BSF (Bible Study Fellowship). I am SO thankful for this organization and for the local group that meets not even 10 minutes from the Air Force Base here in Columbus. Once again - God is SO great and I'm grateful for this opportunity. I am grateful that the Children's Program leaders love on and pray for Witten while I meet with other women to dig deep into the Word. This year we are studying Matthew and I have already learned a lot. It's amazing how God can teach you different things even though you're already read the passage/book before. He's revealing things to me now that are applicable and relevant to my current life situation of being a stay-at-home wife and mother. I love having the structure of what to read/study each day, detailed notes, thought provoking questions, well delivered lecture, encouragement from my small group ladies and leader, accountability, and support from other women in similar and different stages of life! It's an intensive study and one that will challenge me a lot, but I am excited for the challenge and ready for all God has to teach me this year!
BSF meets all over the world - men and women - day and night classes. If you're interested and want more information, let me know or check out the website... www.bsfinternational.org
Have a great day!!
This is the entry to the front door (on the left) and the hallway takes you to a 1/2 bath and the laundry room. The coat closet is the one you can see, then there's a linen closet, the door to the garage, and a storage closet that's under the stairwell.
Here is our living room and front door off to the right. To the left (not pictured) is our covered patio that is completely bare. The next couple of times my parents come to visit, they will bring some of our stuff to furnish that area. It will be a great area to hang out once the weather cools a bit!
These are our Kitchen and Dining areas. We love the layout of this kitchen compared to our last one. :)
And I particularly love the gas stove.
Now, for the upstairs...
As you come up the stairs, to the right is the guest bathroom, Witten's room and our guest room/office. This is [obviously] Witten's room. Pretty simple without a ton of wall décor.

For our visitors, a queen bed... in Keith's office. It's nice to be able to have an office for Keith to work and study AND a bed for when our family/friends come to visit! (I still have a couple of things I want to put up on the walls in here.)
If you go left after coming up the stairs you will see my little nook (which is chair-less...Mom and Dad will be bringing that as well!) and our room.
This is the master bedroom. Please note our lovely TV antenna mounted randomly on the wall - how decoratively convenient that we receive service best with it placed in plain sight and the cord dangling ever so temptingly for Witten. He hasn't noticed it yet (because rarely do we hang out up there), but eventually we may have to do something about that.
So, what do you think of my nightstand?! Classy, right?

Here is little man trying to read his book from Mimi and G. He LOVES this book!
We are very thankful for our living arrangements! God, as always, provided the perfect place for us. We live in a great neighborhood on base and look forward to cooler weather so we can spend more time outside and meet more of our neighbors.
I'll take more pictures of our neighborhood and the base soon! I know how curious some of you are to what the base life is like. I was too before coming here. In the meantime, here's a picture Keith texted me yesterday while they were touring the different airplanes they will be training in. This is a T6, which is the first of 2 airplanes Keith will learn to fly while we're here in Columbus.
Aside from our house - I just got back from my 2nd week of Bible Study at BSF (Bible Study Fellowship). I am SO thankful for this organization and for the local group that meets not even 10 minutes from the Air Force Base here in Columbus. Once again - God is SO great and I'm grateful for this opportunity. I am grateful that the Children's Program leaders love on and pray for Witten while I meet with other women to dig deep into the Word. This year we are studying Matthew and I have already learned a lot. It's amazing how God can teach you different things even though you're already read the passage/book before. He's revealing things to me now that are applicable and relevant to my current life situation of being a stay-at-home wife and mother. I love having the structure of what to read/study each day, detailed notes, thought provoking questions, well delivered lecture, encouragement from my small group ladies and leader, accountability, and support from other women in similar and different stages of life! It's an intensive study and one that will challenge me a lot, but I am excited for the challenge and ready for all God has to teach me this year!
BSF meets all over the world - men and women - day and night classes. If you're interested and want more information, let me know or check out the website... www.bsfinternational.org
Have a great day!!
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Big Day!
Yesterday (Friday, 9/6) was a big day for the House boys - Keith had his first official day of UPT (Undergraduate Pilot Training) class and Witten turned 8 months old!
Keith was pretty anxious about his first day of class. They took a test and everyone in his class (26 pilots-in-training) has to pass it... so they will continue taking the test until they all ace it. Keith has been preparing for this for a few weeks now. He thinks he got 100% but they won't find out until {probably] Monday. Besides taking that, he sat through a lot of powerpoint presentations and such. It's weird that they started on a Friday, but it's very nice to have a weekend after that first, long day!
Witten has had a runny nose and cough for a couple of days, but no fever. I'm not sure if it's part of getting his first couple of teeth, or allergies, or a little cold... hopefully it's on its way out of his system though. I was wanting to get stuff done yesterday but he wanted to be with me. This was the best way for both of us to be happy...
Apparently he likes this song on Pandora... or maybe he's going to be a button boy like his daddy was - and still is (hence the Pilot occupation).
He is getting more and more mobile with every day. He is a master crawler and tries pulling up on everything. He also loves a good challenge/obstacle to climb over. Once he pulls up on something, he tries to climb up it. Anytime Keith and I are on the floor (sitting or laying down) he crawls to us and makes his way up and over. This is his most recent (as in this morning) accomplishment...
which means it's time to break out the...
Tonight we're going to the Simmons house for dinner. YAY for new friends!! Jessie is making a taco bar and I'm taking cookie bars for dessert...
Keith was pretty anxious about his first day of class. They took a test and everyone in his class (26 pilots-in-training) has to pass it... so they will continue taking the test until they all ace it. Keith has been preparing for this for a few weeks now. He thinks he got 100% but they won't find out until {probably] Monday. Besides taking that, he sat through a lot of powerpoint presentations and such. It's weird that they started on a Friday, but it's very nice to have a weekend after that first, long day!
They don't get to wear their flight suits (or as I refer to them: onesies) until everyone passes the test - till then it's their blues. Here's my handsome husband on his first day of school. :)
Here's our 8 month old...
Witten has had a runny nose and cough for a couple of days, but no fever. I'm not sure if it's part of getting his first couple of teeth, or allergies, or a little cold... hopefully it's on its way out of his system though. I was wanting to get stuff done yesterday but he wanted to be with me. This was the best way for both of us to be happy...
Apparently he likes this song on Pandora... or maybe he's going to be a button boy like his daddy was - and still is (hence the Pilot occupation).
which means it's time to break out the...

Although he is all over the place, he LOVES to sit and read (aka be my official page-turner)! He will sit, listen, and turn pages over and over and over, which I enjoy. Our bedtime routine is bath, birds (he is obsessed with birds and he lays calmly - most of the time - when I lotion him up and get him in his PJs), bottle, books, prayers (any synonyms that start with a "b"??) and bed. This is us before bed a few nights ago...
Tonight we're going to the Simmons house for dinner. YAY for new friends!! Jessie is making a taco bar and I'm taking cookie bars for dessert...
YUMMY!! I may have to taste test them before we go to make sure they're good enough. ;)
I'll sign off with a couple pictures of Witten wearing an old outfit of Keith's (12 month). His cloth diaper gives him quite a bulge, haha! I'll search for the photo of Keith in it and work on a side-by-side.
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Witten is growing so fast!
Our little guy is almost 8 months and all over the place! He started crawling at 7 months and started pulling up on things at 7.5 months. He LOVES to pull up and stand. He is working on developing his little muscles. Also, his first teeth are still working their way out from beneath the gums. Yesterday I could feel one of them... finally! He is drooling nonstop and putting anything and everything in his mouth. He has such a fun personality and I love staying home and getting to play with him. He makes lots of fun noises, but no "dada" or "mama" yet. Sometimes when he's crying it sounds like he's saying "mama," but that simply cannot be because my name is NOT associated with his sadness/anger... so I'll wait for the day that I hear him purposefully and cheerfully say "mama!"
We have visited 2 churches here in Columbus - East End Baptist and FBC of Columbus, MS - and enjoyed them both. Everyone here is SO nice and welcoming... southern hospitality for sure! We are going to continue checking out a couple more churches then make a decision. Keith and I are excited to get plugged in and meet others who will encourage us in the Word and in our walks.
On Labor Day, the 3 of us went to a little get together for Keith's class. I had been looking forward to this because of getting to meet some other wives/moms who are in my same position. I met some great, super nice ladies and already have a play date and dinner on the calendar for this week... praise the Lord! :) I'm looking forward to building friendships over the next year and, hopefully, beyond.
To everyone back home who reads this, feel free to comment! I love knowing you're following along and praying for/with us! Miss you all!!
I'll add pictures later... sorry, lame post. :)
We have visited 2 churches here in Columbus - East End Baptist and FBC of Columbus, MS - and enjoyed them both. Everyone here is SO nice and welcoming... southern hospitality for sure! We are going to continue checking out a couple more churches then make a decision. Keith and I are excited to get plugged in and meet others who will encourage us in the Word and in our walks.
On Labor Day, the 3 of us went to a little get together for Keith's class. I had been looking forward to this because of getting to meet some other wives/moms who are in my same position. I met some great, super nice ladies and already have a play date and dinner on the calendar for this week... praise the Lord! :) I'm looking forward to building friendships over the next year and, hopefully, beyond.
To everyone back home who reads this, feel free to comment! I love knowing you're following along and praying for/with us! Miss you all!!
I'll add pictures later... sorry, lame post. :)
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