Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Witten is growing so fast!

Our little guy is almost 8 months and all over the place! He started crawling at 7 months and started pulling up on things at 7.5 months. He LOVES to pull up and stand. He is working on developing his little muscles. Also, his first teeth are still working their way out from beneath the gums. Yesterday I could feel one of them... finally! He is drooling nonstop and putting anything and everything in his mouth. He has such a fun personality and I love staying home and getting to play with him. He makes lots of fun noises, but no "dada" or "mama" yet. Sometimes when he's crying it sounds like he's saying "mama," but that simply cannot be because my name is NOT associated with his sadness/anger... so I'll wait for the day that I hear him purposefully and cheerfully say "mama!"

We have visited 2 churches here in Columbus - East End Baptist and FBC of Columbus, MS - and enjoyed them both. Everyone here is SO nice and welcoming... southern hospitality for sure! We are going to continue checking out a couple more churches then make a decision. Keith and I are excited to get plugged in and meet others who will encourage us in the Word and in our walks.

On Labor Day, the 3 of us went to a little get together for Keith's class. I had been looking forward to this because of getting to meet some other wives/moms who are in my same position. I met some great, super nice ladies and already have a play date and dinner on the calendar for this week... praise the Lord! :) I'm looking forward to building friendships over the next year and, hopefully, beyond.

To everyone back home who reads this, feel free to comment! I love knowing you're following along and praying for/with us! Miss you all!!

I'll add pictures later... sorry, lame post. :)


  1. I love you, sweetheart....all of you. I'm so glad to hear how well things are going...God has great plans. Can't wait to see yall.

  2. Witten is such a doll and he's gonna keep you busy cuz I bet he'll be walking early! So excited things are going well! Have a blast today and this weekend. :) October can't get here soon enough! Kisses to everyone.

  3. Hey, Mom and Dad! Love y'all too! Come on October 16th... in the meantime, at least we have face time!
